Weekly Update: Returning to the Workplace
Last week Scotland's First Minister announced Scotland has entered Phase 3 of lockdown, which will see a further relaxation of rules regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and therefore more organisations will begin to return to the workplace. It is important that this return happens safely for all staff and working carers need to be part of this converstion.
Carer Positive are always here for Scottish Businesses to offer information and advice with regards to supporting carers in the workplace and we will be promoting this in line with Phase 3 in the coming weeks, however we have also come across some other sources that could help employers at this time-
ACAS have created an easy to follow 'Return to the Workplace Process Map' which you can view and download here. As well as this, there are a lot of other resources relevant to employers during the pandemic which are worth a look. Check out their website here.
Age Scotland will also be running online workshops beginning in August on a variety of topics around diversity and inclusion in the workplace. You can see what is available and book your place here on the Age Scotland website, however remember to check back regularly as more will be added, including some specific to carers in the workplace!