These are the terms and conditions of Carers Positive website.
The website is owned by Carers Scotland and its registered office is The Cottage, 21 Pearce Street, Glasgow G51 3UT. Carers Scotland is part of Carers UK. Its registered charity number in England and Wales is 246329 and SC039307 in Scotland.
Conditions of use
If you use this website you are agreeing to these terms and conditions from the date that you first use it. Carers Scotland/carer Positive may change these terms and conditions, and if you use the site after any changes have been made you are agreeing to the new terms and conditions.
You must not use this website to do anything that is unlawful, or that would affect anyone else's rights, or would stop or spoil anyone else's use of the website.
Copyright and reproduction of content
Carers Scotland owns the name and logo of Carer Positive. You cannot use it without first getting Carers Scotland’s permission. Carers Scotland owns or has been allowed to use the materials, pictures or videos on this website. If any materials, pictures or videos on this website are owned by someone else, it will say they are, and then you will need to ask that person's/organisation’s permission to use them.
Carers Scotland/Carers Positive authorises you to reproduce the content of this site solely for your personal, non-commercial use provided Carers Scotland/Carer Positive is acknowledged as creator of the content, with all copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices are kept on the material; and is given reasonably prominent acknowledgement that you have created such content and provided it is not used in a context which damages our reputation.
You must not change any information, pictures or videos that you get from this website. You must only use information, pictures or videos exactly as they appear on the website, and if you use a video that you got from this website you must not use just part of it. Unauthorised use of the content may violate copyright, trademark and other laws.
Carers Scotland/Carer Positive does not allow our information to be used on other websites without written consent.
Material on our website is used for information or reporting only and is not intended to be a substitute for independent advice.
We make every effort to make sure the content is accurate and up to date, but we accept no liability in relation to typographical error or third party information.
Links to other websites
Carer Positive website contains links to other websites. These are provided as other useful sources of information. Inclusion of a link to another website does not imply endorsement by Carer Positive of any kind as to their content or quality.
Carer Positive cannot guarantee that your use of this website will not be interrupted or that this website is free from errors, viruses or bugs, so you must take your own action to protect your own computer before downloading information from the site.