Weekly Roundup:An Establilshed Award
Sue travelled to Renfrewshire Council on Wednesday to present them with an Established level certificate.
Our second level of awards are for organisations that have put policies and procedures that will benefit carers in place and some time has passed for these to become established and normalised within the company. Tweaks and changes can then be made based on feedback from both the carers and their employers to make sure the actions put in place are working for everybody.
Our Carer Positive award should not just be seen as a certificate to be achieved, then forgotten about. We would always encourage organisations to revisit their carers policies regularly, developing them appropriately and ensuring that they work for the organisation as a whole.
Therefore, it is always exciting to present Established awards; they show that an employer is serious about their commitments to staff with caring responsibilities and actively wants to support them in the workplace. Well done to everyone at Renfrewshire Council for your continued efforts in supporting your staff who are carers, you are doing a fantastic job and we hope that you will go on to achieve the Exemplary level award in the future.