Weekly Update: Events for Carers and Employers
This week one of our Carer Positive employers, Network Rail, held a series of events to mark their Diversity Week Scotland 2020. We were thrilled to see working carers as one of the many groups being highlighted and Sue got involved in the 'Are You A Carer?' presentation and Q&A session on Thursday morning. We felt this event went over really well and it was heartening to see an organisation like this one celebrating the wide diversity of its workforce.
On Wednesday of next week we are hosting an employers event in partnership with North Lanarkshire Carers Together. This will be an online event aimed at specifically at employers in the North Lanarkshire area to find out more about the experiences of working carers and the need for workplace support, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. The session will include a presentation from Carer Positive and experiences from North Lanarkshire Carers Together, who are one of our Exemplary level employers, followed by a discussion section and the opportunity to network with likeminded organisations. This event is open to all employers in North Lanarkshire, check out this post for more information and to find out how you can join us.
Finally, the Carers Parliament will return in November, and this year everything will be hosted online. There are a total of 3 days planned with a series of workshops on November 16th and 17th, followed by the main event on November 25th. Highlights include a webinar from Professor Jason Leitch, personal experiences from carers and your chance to ask a question to the panel of MSPs and health and social care professionals. We hope that the online platform will allow more carers than ever before to attend from across Scotland so be sure to secure your place soon. Visit the Carers Scotland website for the full programme and booking details.