Weekly Roundup: In the News and a Next Level Award
This week a great story appeared on Renfewshire News about ourselves and our connection with Tom Arthur MSP. Tom has been championing Carer Positive for a long time and is the first MSP to achieve an Established level award from us. You can read the full story here.
We also appeared in #ontheground with NHS Dumfries and Galloway regarding the award they received during Carers Week. Their Workforce Director, Caroline Cooksey commented;
"Being a Carer is a major responsibility, and our local health and social care structure depends on the incredibly important role which they play. It is only right that we, as employers, ensure that we provide every support we can as they carry out daily work which sits in addition to their actions as Carers in Dumfries and Galloway."
We hope that the press following these awards can show that becoming a Carer Positive employer and supporting carers in the workplace is something that is possible for any organisation, no matter of the size or sector. We are always happy to come out to meet, or to chat via email or phone, if you would like to become Carer Positive awarded and would like more information or advice.
We were also thrilled to confirm that North Ayrshire Council have received the Established level award from us. The certificate was presented to the local carer reps at by Councillor Anthea Dickson last week. Well done to everyone at North Ayrshire who have been involved in making the Council a carer friendly place to work, we hope you will continue with these fantastic efforts to one day achieve the top level Carer Positive award.