Weekly Roundup: Carer Positive at Befrienders Highland
Yesterday Sue travelled up to Inverness to present Befrienders Highland with a Carer Positive award and take part in an event centring around the work they do.
Befrienders Highland are a voluntary organisation who work to improve the lives of people who are lonely and isolated, including those who have experienced metal ill health, problems with memory, dementia and have caring responsibilities. They do incredible work with their befriending services to improve the lives of many people.
After earning a Carer Positive award, Befrienders Highland invited Sue to join them for their celebrations and had the opportunity to hear touching, first hand accounts of their work and those it has affected. We were also thrilled to see the efforts they had made to celebrate receiving their Carer Positive accreditation and to have the opportunity to meet the staff, carers and volunteers responsible for making that happen.