Carer Positive - Carers Week Employers Event
Wednesday 10th June 12-1pm
We are thrilled to announce that we are holding a special Virtual Employers Event on Zoom next week as part of Carers Week. It will be an oppotunity for us to share some findings from a recent survey conducted among out existing Carer Positive Employers, and we will also have speakers from a number of these organisations discussing their experiences during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Overall we hope it will be an enjoyable event where those looking to support unpaid carers in the workplace will be able to share and learn from from others. The event is taking place On Wednesday 10th June 12 - 1pm (but may run on to 1.30pm at the latest if there are a lot of questions at the end).
We would love for you to join us and we have already emailed invites to many of our contacts, however the event is open to anyone so please send us a quick email if you are interested and we would be happy to send you everything you need to join.