• Leuchie




  • Edrington


  • Skanska


  • Agenor



Proud to be Carer Positive

Over half a million employees in Scotland are now working in just under 300 Carer Positive awarded organisations, and these numbers are growing constantly. You can see the full list of organisations who have received a Carer Positive award at the bottom of this page.

Our Carer Positive awards are flexible in criteria and therefore can be achieved by any organisation, no matter what size or sector. We are always happy to discuss questions or concerns that you might have regarding becoming Carer Positive as taking steps to support carers in the workplace is probably easier than you think!

Check out the rest of our website for more information on our Carer Positive awards; the benefits of supporting carers in the workplace for both employers and staff, and how you can apply so your organisation can be acknowledged as a Carer Positive Employer.

Case Studies

We have a huge selection of empolyers who have now been recognised as Carer Positive.
Head over to our Employer Case Studies page to hear what being Carer Positive means to them, as well as from the carers who have benefitted from these supportive workplaces.




Aberdeen City Council

Acacium Group


Advocacy North East

Age Scotland

Aileen Campbell MSP

Alex Rowley MSP

Anas Sarwar MSP

Anderson Strathern

Angus Carers Centre

Angus Council

Angus MacDonald MSP

Angus Robertson MSP

Annabelle Ewing MSP

Arran CVS

Art in Healthcare

Audit Scotland

Ayrshire Community Trust

Baillie Gifford

Befrienders Highland

Befriending Networks

Birchwood Highland

Blackwood Homes and Care

Bon Accord Care

Borders College

Brian Whittle MSP

Brodies Solicitors

Cantraybridge College

Care Training Consortium

Care for Carers

Carers Trust Scotland

Carers of West Dunbartonshire

Carr Gomm

Child Maintenance Group

Childrens Hearings Scotland

Childrens Hospices Across Scotland

Christina McKelvie MSP

Citizens Advice Direct

Citizens Advice & Rights Fife

City of Edinburgh Council

Clackmannanshire Council

Claire Baker MSP

Clare Haughey MSP

Claudia Beamish MSP


Colin Smyth MSP

Community Justice Scotland

Community Safety Glasgow


Connecting Carers

Crossroads Fife

Curo Salus Ltd

CVS Inverclyde

Divine Health & Social Care

Dumfries & Galloway Advocacy Service

Dumfries & Galloway Carers Centre

Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce

Dundee Carers Centre

DWP Aberdeen Service Centre

East Ayrshire Carers Centre

East Ayrshire Council

East Lothian Council

Edinburgh Napier University

Edinburgh Young Carers


Elaine Smith MSP

Elena Whitham MSP

Emcare Ltd

ENABLE Scotland

Engage Renfrewshire


Eric Liddell Centre


Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre

Falkirk Council

Farne Salmon 


Fedcap Employment Scotland

Fife Young Carers

Fulton MacGregor MSP

Gail Ross MSP

Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Life

Graeme Dey MSP

Hanover Housing Association

Harvey Nash

Health in Mind

Helensburgh and Lomond Carers Centre

Heriot Watt University

Historic Environment Scotland

Highland Hospice

Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd.

Horsecross Arts

Housing Options Scotland

Humza Yousaf MSP


Impact Funding Partners

Independent Living Fund Scotland

Intrelate Ltd

Inverclyde Carers Centre

Inverclyde Community Development Trust

Inverclyde Council

Jackie Baillie MSP

Jackie Dumbar MSP

Jamie Hepburn MSP

Jeane Freeman MSP

Jenny Gilruth MSP

Jeremy Balfour MSP

Jewish Care Scotland

Joe Fitzpatrick MSP

Johann Lamont MSP

Kenneth Gibson MSP

Kevin Stewart MSP

Kingdom Housing Association

Knowes Housing Association

Lanarkshire Links

Leonardo UK


LGBT Health & Wellbeing

Libertus Services

Linda Fabiani MSP

Link Group Limited

Maggie Chapman MSP

Maree Todd MSP

Mark Griffin MSP

Marion Fellows MP


Mercedes Villalba MSP


Michael Matheson MSP

Michelle Thompson MSP

Midlothian Council

Miles Briggs MSP

Mitchell & Murdoch Aberdeen

Mitchell & Murdoch Dundee

Mohn Aqua (UK) Ltd

Monica Lennon MSP

Moray Council

Neil Bibby MSP

Network Rail


NHS Ayrshire and Arran

NHS Borders

NHS Grampian

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Lanarkshire

NHS Shetland

NHS Western Isles

Nicola Sturgeon MSP

North Lanarkshire HSCP


Pain Association Scotland


Patrick Grady MP

Pauline McNeill MSP

Positive Realities

Public Health Scotland

QME Care


Registers of Scotland

Relationships Scotland Dumfries & Galloway

Renfrewshire Carers Centre

Rhoda Grant MSP

Richard Leonard MSP

Royal London

Ruth Maguire MSP

Sandra White MSP


Scottish Children's Reporters Administration

Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Scottish Funding Council

Scottish Housing Regulator

Scottish Legal Complaints Commisson

Scottish Natural Heritage

Scottish Public Pensions Agency

Scottish Qualifications Authority

Scottish Road Works Commissioner

Scottish Social Services Council

Scouts Scotland


Sense Scotland

Shared Care Scotland

Shetland Isles Council

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP


Skills Development Scotland

Social Marketing Gateway

South Lanarkshire College

South Lanarkshire Council

Space@Broomhouse Hub


Standards Commission Scotland

State Hospital's Board for Scotland

Stirling Council

Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise

Stuart McMillan MSP

Student Loans Company


Support in Mind

The Action Group

The Alliance

The Health and Wellness Hub

The Tell Organisation

Triage Central Ltd

Trinity Tots

Unity Enterprise

University of Edinburgh

University of Glasgow

User and Carer Involvement

Visit Scotland

Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire

Voluntary Action Shetland

Wendy Chamberlain MP

West College Scotland

West Dunbartonshire CVS

West Lothian College

West Lothian Council

West of Scotland Housing Association

Willie Coffey MSP

Young Scot




Aberdeenshire Council

Bell Ingram

Care Inspectorate

Central Carers

City Building Glasgow


Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

Dundee City Council

DWP UC Buchanan Service Centre

DWP UC Dundas Service Centre

DWP UC Milton Service Centre

DWP UC Glasgow DMA Community

Dundee and Angus College

East Renfrewshire Council

Fife Council

Financial Conduct Authority

Forth Valley College

HMRC (Local Compliance) Scotland

Ingen Ideas Ltd

LifeCare Edinburgh Ltd

Milan Senior Welfare Organisation 

NHS Dumfries and Galloway

NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Heathcare Improvement Scotland

NHS Highland

Open University

Perth & Kinross Council

Police Scotland/SPA

Scottish Government

Scottish Parliament

Scottish Power

South Ayrshire Council

South Lanarkshire Carers Network

Standard Life Aberdeen

Stirling Carers Centre

Tom Arthur MSP

Turning Point Scotland

Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian






Agenor Technology

Borders Carers Centre

Carers of East Lothian

Carers of West Lothian

Carers Link East Dunbartonshire

Carers Scotland

Centrica/Scottish Gas

Dumfries & Galloway Council

East Renfrewshire Carers Centre


Fife Carers Centre

Glasgow City Council

Highlands & Islands Enterprise

HMCTS Scotland


Lanarkshire Carers Centre

NHS Lothian

NHS Tayside

North Ayrshire Council

North Lanarkshire Carers Together

Phoenix Group


Renfrewshire Council 

Royal Bank of Scotland

Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service

Scottish Water

Social Security Scotland


University of Strathclyde

University of St Andrews


West Dunbartonshire Council

Wheatley Group