Weekly Update: Caring Behind Closed Doors: Six Months On
We were pleased to present a new Carer Positive award last Friday to Kingdom Housing Association. From their application it was clear that there is a genuine commitment within KHA to supporting carers in the workplace and they have communication, policy and practices in place to back this up.
Some of the staff took the time to join us for an online presentation of their award and chat about working carers. It was great to see an organisation who were so enthusiastic about the award and they have told us that they are already looking towards the Established level. Great work everyone!
This week saw the release of Caring Behind Closed Doors: Six Months On, the latest report from Carers UK based on a survey of carers during the coronavirus pandemic. These reports have been really valuable in understanding the challenges carers have been facing during the pandemic and allowing us to read first hand accounts of carers’ experiences.
This type of research is also valuable to ensure that all aspects of our organisation are serving carers in the more useful way that we can, so thank you if you completed or promoted they survey. You can read Caring Behind Closed Doors: Six Months On in full here, or visit Carers Scotland’s blog for the Scottish statistics.