Weekly Roundup: A Busy Run Up to Carers Week
Things kicked off on Monday when Jamie Hepburn MSP received his Carer Positive MSP award. Fiona Collie from Carers Scotland visited Jamie at his constituency office to present him with his engaged level award.
We were delighted to be part of the West Dumbartonshire Third Sector Conference at the Golden Jubilee Hotel in Clydebank on Tuesday. We shared a table with Carers Scotland and had the opportunity to give our lots of our information packs and chat with many interesting and inspiring people.
Carers were back in the media on Wednesday when the BBC showed Panorama Crisis in Care - Part 2: Who Pays? These programmes were really valuable in understanding the devastating struggles that carers in the UK can face and the urgent need for reform to the care system. Both episodes are available on the BBC website for the next year at the links below:
Crisis in Care - Part 1: Who Cares?
Crisis in Care - Part 2: Who Pays?
We made a special trip to the Sottish Parliament on Thursday to present Carer Positive Established Level Awards to a group of Labour MSPs; Claudia Beamish, Pauline McNeill, Jackie Baillie, Elaine Smith, Claire Baker, Monica Lennon, Johann Lamont and Richard Leonard. Well done to you all for being Carer Positive employers and a special thankyou to David Raine for your help organising everything behind the scenes.
Finally we were in Aberdeen on Friday to present an award to ACVO; congratulations and well done for all of the work you put in to make your organisation supportive to working carers!