Carer Positive in 2024
2024 has been an incredible year for Carer Positive.
We were involved with Carers Scotland's first ever Carers and Employment Conference, an incredible day dedicated to exploring the value of supporting carers in the workplace.
We recognised the 10th anniversary of the Carer Positive employers scheme with a reception at the Scottish Parliament, where we also celebrated the milestone of over half a million employees working at Carer Positive organisations!
We also held a special 10th Anniversary Awards evening at Edinburgh City Chambers in November, to recognise the best of the best workplace support for members of staff who are carers.
Most imortantly though, we awarded a billiant selection of organisations with Carer Positive awards, including -
New Engaged Employers
Shared Care Scotland, Leuchie, Dumfries & Galloway Advocacy Service, West Lothian Council, Heriot Watt University, Hanover Housing Association, Fife Young Carers, Mitchell & Murdoch Dundee, Mitchell & Murdoch Aberdeen, Crossroads Fife, Acacium Group, Stirling Council, Edinburgh Young Carers, Student Loans Company, STV, Brodies Solicitors, Mersden Holytown, Link Group Limited Highlands and Island Enterprise, who were recognised as an Exemplary level employer this year!
A huge thankyou all of our Carer Positive employers, we are looking forward to working with you all again in 2025!